heard it before but still ok
i've heard the "i'm batman" joke before so most of the flash wasn't that funny. you turned it around though with the ending.
heard it before but still ok
i've heard the "i'm batman" joke before so most of the flash wasn't that funny. you turned it around though with the ending.
"what's with these ducks!?"
lol great line. haven't watched a funny flash in a while so i'm glad i watched this one first hahah. more drunk science!
classic twist
"he was dead all along!" lol. classic.
great animation
i don't get it since i've never played earthbound but the animation was top notch. how did you do the backgrounds? did you do them in photoshop? nice work.
great story
there's this quote i heard before and it goes along the lines of "nothing is indestructible because you can always use something against itself." anyway, i really like how the character solved his problem using the alien and his ship. i thought it was really clever. the art and animation style was pretty good. like an earlier review, it reminded me of samurai jack because of the absence of outlines and even the slashes on the black background. great stuff.
not really a fan of mindless violence (not anymore, anyway) but it was alright. when the message to wear life jackets showed up, i thought you were going to show all the scenes again with the guys wearing the jackets and they somehow survive their ordeal in a ridiculous way.
if you're still looking for an audio editing program, google Audacity. it's free and pretty solid.
more beautiful than before
i've always loved your backgrounds. they're gorgeous. anyway, i wasn't a fan of bitey til now. i always thought he was a big douche but now i see there's a good reason for that. for the narration, i'm on the fence about it. i liked it the way it was with the previous brackenwood movies but then again it would've been difficult to tell bitey's back story with only visuals. but whatever. i'll be looking forward to more of bitey's story!
i really liked the idea just because it was so ridiculous. i was hoping they would get into a melee fight with snow cover knives and axes lol.
Joined on 5/2/05